Thursday, August 25, 2011

5 Things You Need to Know About Side Effects of Gastric Bypass Surgery

1. Digestive Side Effects
After undergoing gastric bypass surgery, "dumping syndrome" can sometimes occur. This side effect is caused by food moving through the small intestines too fast. Symptoms include vomiting, sweating and diarrhea. It may be brought on by eating specific foods, such as those high in fat, or by eating too much. To reduce your chances of developing dumping syndrome, be sure to follow dietary restrictions provided by your doctor.

2. The Effects of Rapid Weight Loss
Weight loss after gastric bypass surgery tends to be rapid, especially in the first 6 months. This quick weight loss may cause certain side effects while your body adjusts to the fat loss. Changes in mood may occur; fatigue and hair loss are also possible side effects. The number of side effects and their severity varies greatly among individuals.

3. Bypass Vitamin Deficiencies
Fewer calories are eaten after having gastric bypass surgery. The result is less nutrients being taken in. The food that is eaten bypasses parts of the small intestines. This prevents the body from absorbing all the nutrients as effectively. These two factors combined may cause vitamin deficiencies. A particular concern is an iron deficiency, which can lead to anemia. To prevent this complication from developing, take nutritional supplements as directed by your doctor.

4. Irregular Elimination
Constipation sometimes is a side effect of gastric bypass surgery. Because you are taking in a lot fewer calories, you may have trouble having regular bowel movements. The extent of the surgery and the size of the stomach pouch created determine how much food you can take in. The more extensive the surgery, the greater the chance of side effects such as constipation. Drink the recommended amount of water, and stick to a healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables to help reduce constipation.

5. Emotional Considerations
After having gastric bypass surgery and losing a great deal of weight, your appearance will change. Although this is considered a positive thing, it still may take some time to adjust to. If you were an emotional eater and used food for comfort, you are now unable to do so. This can cause you to find other ways to deal with negative emotions. Be careful to not trade food addiction for another type of addiction, such as alcohol. Talk to a counselor or join a postsurgery support group to help you deal with changes.

Here is an alternative and much safer than surgery

Roca Labs Formula is a medical innovation that provides an effect similar to that of a gastric bypass, but without any surgery. The formula is much safer than surgery, with very few potential side effects, and is a fraction of the cost. The formula can help you lose weight in a natural and safe way. Each day you take the formula; it immediately expands in your stomach and leaves only 20% available for food intake throughout the day, forcing you to eat 50% less. The formula includes the patented ingredient B-Glucan, which balances blood sugar levels and fights your cravings for sweets and snacks - something that surgery isn’t capable of.

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